Join Us on Sundays!
11 am
Grace Covenant Church, Brookland
3100 18th Street NE
Washington, DC 20018
Join us in-person for Sunday service at 11 AM or online!
Events, Small Groups & Classes

We at Grace are a multi-ethnic, multi-generational family of Christ followers. We hope you will plan to visit Sunday morning. Our aim is to communicate God’s message so effectively that God is honored & lives are changed. We invite you to “Connect” relationally with us as we walk with God & people taking the steps that inspire & “Equip” us to “Go” in His purpose.

Sunday – 11am
3100 18th St NE
Washington, DC 20018

Red Line to Rhode Island Row
The Shuttle that usually runs to/from Rhode Island Row as scheduled here is back in service. Pick Up from Rhode Island Station 10:30 AM. Drop Off leaving to Rhode Island Station at 12:15 PM from the church.

In addition to parking on Rhode Island Avenue:
Soul Kitchen : 1803 Rhode Island Ave NE
Boost Mobile: 1725 Rhode Island Ave NE
*Please do not park in front of homes in the neighborhood

What To Expect
At each service, you’ll see people in suits and ties as well as jeans and t-shirts. You’ll meet friends from other nations and cultures and probably recognize a few neighbors from your street. Whoever you are and wherever you’re from, we want you to feel welcomed, loved, and leave wanting to come back!
Join a
LifeChangers Group!
During this season in our nation and in our world we want to continue to connect in order to encourage and support one another.
Let’s Keep in Touch!
Fill out a Connect Card to submit prayer requests, get info on Equip classes, and get updates from GCC DC!