We EQUIP for INFLUENCE. Making Jesus first is the beginning of an amazingly fulfilling life. (Col. 2:6-7) Through relationship with Christ, we experience a life built on Christ (foundations) and victory over sin (freedom), resulting in good works (fruitfulness).

We desire to grow as disciples, experiencing foundation, freedom, and fruitfulness. EQUIP is designed so that we can grow in Christ, live our lives for others, and become an influence in the city. (Matthew 22:37-40).

Course Descriptions

Growth Track

New Members Class​

This class focuses on the history, vision, mission and values of Grace Covenant Church and is required for those who desire to become members.

The class meets monthly on the first Sunday from 9:30 to 10:00 AM.

Registration for this class is not required but it is helpful for our team to know who to expect. For more info and to register, please visit gracecovdc.org.
GrowNGrace Class

This class focuses on growing with family as we are established in biblical foundations, equipped as disciples, and empowered to make disciples.

Class takes place over several sessions which includes study of the Purple Book (establish), Freedom Weekend (equip), and training for fruitfulness (empower).

The class currently meets on Sunday mornings from 9:00 AM to 10:00 AM.

Registration for this class is required. If you would like to participate in this class, please register via gracecovdc.org.

Please note that space in this class is limited and registration is on a first come first served basis. If you have any challenges with registration, please contact us at equip@gracecovdc.org.

Participants do not need to begin with Session 1 but may join at any time and complete missed sessions in future semesters.

Discipleship Track
We offer Every Nation Leadership Institute (ENLI) courses in the Discipleship Track.

ENLI classes build on the foundation laid in the Growing in Grace class and help participants continue to become strong believers equipped to make disciples. Here is a summary of the ENLI program.
ENLI Year 1
Semester 1

Life of Faith (4 weeks)

This course examines the biblical teaching on faith from various perspectives: salvation by faith; the gift of faith; and the fruit of faith. Students will be encouraged to live, persevere and act in faith.

Personal Transformation (4 weeks)

This course examines the major principles and elements that help produce God- honoring transformation in a believer’s life. Students will be guided on how to practically apply those principles and cooperate with the Holy Spirit in the sanctification process.

Spiritual Disciplines (4 weeks)

This course explores the reasons, benefits and practice of the spiritual disciplines from the standpoint of grace, and expands on the disciplines of prayer, study of scripture and worship. Students will develop their spiritual lives as they integrate the biblical teaching on each topic with their practical application.

Spiritual Gifts (4 weeks)

This course seeks to help students increase their understanding and dependency of the person and ministry of the Holy Spirit and His gifts. Students are introduced to different spiritual gifts and their functions and expression in the church.
Semester 2

Interpreting the Scriptures (4 weeks)

Interpreting the Scriptures teaches how to read, interpret and apply the Bible with the aim that students experience transformation through a greater understanding of the Scriptures. Guidelines for interpreting the major genres of biblical literature are provided.

Old Testament Survey (6 weeks)

This course provides a general overview of the Old Testament by reviewing the main content of each book and its contribution to the overarching plan of salvation. Students will develop a greater understanding and appreciation of the revelation of God in the Old Testament and its relevance in the overall story of God’s plan.

Systematic Theology (8 weeks)

This course concisely covers the major doctrines of systematic theology; namely, Bibliology, Theology Proper, Christology, Pneumatology, Soteriology, and Ecclesiology. This course is taught under the premise that a deeper understanding of truth shapes the way we live.

Metanarrative (4 weeks)

This course is a brief overview of the great story of God and his purpose for humanity. This story consists primarily of four major elements: God’s creation of the world and humanity; humanity’s rebellion against God; God’s unfolding plan of redemption to restore his creation; and God’s consummation of his redemptive plan.The more we understand God’s great story the more we are able to attach real meaning to our own lives. God’s story frames our own stories.

Church History (6 weeks)

This course recalls the main events and protagonist of the history of the church from the Apostolic age to the 20th century. Church history helps students understand the present condition of the Church and look toward its future.

Also check out these Discipleship Track Classes:

Relate N Grace

Family Builders

Financial Peace University

Marriage Builders

Marriage Prep

Spiritual Gifts Training

Leadership Track

Through our Every Nation family of churches there is a set of 16 courses called Leadership 215 that comprise the minimum-required studies for full time ministers. Some of the courses include Survey of World Religions , Spirit Empowered Ministry, Apologetics & more!

Email the equip team for more information!

Register for Upcoming Classes

3100 18th St. NE,
Washington, DC 20018

Fellowship | Administrator